Key topics:  sustainable energy engineering; climate and energy policy; international development; community resilience
Country experience: Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Malawi, Malaysia, Mauritius, Nepal, Nicaragua, Uganda, United Kingdom


  • 2021: Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, UK
  • 2015: PhD, Photovoltaic Engineering/ Humanities & Languages, University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia
  • 2005: BEng /BA, Photovoltaic Engineering/ History & Philosophy of Science, University of New South Wales, Australia

Academic Experience

  • 2021 – present: Joint Director, Centre for Sustainable Transitions: Energy, Environment & Resilience (STEER), Loughborough University, UK
  • 2022 – present: Senior Lecturer in Sustainable Development, Geography & Environment, School of Social Sciences & Humanities, Loughborough University, UK
  • 2021 – 2022: Lecturer in Resilient Energy Systems, Geography & Environment, School of Social Sciences & Humanities, Loughborough University, UK
  • 2018 – present: RAEng Engineering for Development Research Fellow, Geography & Environment, School of Social Sciences & Humanities, Loughborough University, UK
  • 2017 – present: Honorary Lecturer, Dept. of Science, Technology, Engineering & Public Policy (STEaPP), University College London (UCL), UK
  • 2017 – 2018: Research Associate, Low Carbon Energy for Development Network, Geography & Environment, School of Social Sciences & Humanities, Loughborough University, UK
  • 2015 – 2017: Research Fellow, Dept. of Science, Technology, Engineering & Public Policy, University College London, UK
  • 2015 – 2019: Visiting Researcher, Centre for Environment & Sustainability, University of Surrey, UK
  • 2014 – 2015: Research Fellow, Centre for Environment & Sustainability, University of Surrey, UK
  • 2007 – 2012: Associate Lecturer & Course Tutor, School of Photovoltaic & Renewable Energy Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia

Professional Experience

  • 2022 – present: Chair, Steering Committee, Framework for Energy Security & Resilience in the Pacific
  • 2021 – present: Chair, Solar Subgroup, UN Expert Group on Resource Management, UN Economic Commission for Europe (member since 2018)
  • 2021 – present: Advisory Board, Centre for Postdoctoral Development in Infrastructure, Cities and Energy (C-DICE)
  • 2021 – present: Steering Group, Global Platform for Action on Sustainable Energy in Displacement Settings
  • 2018 – present: Management Committee, Low Carbon Energy for Development Network (LCEDN)
  • 2017 – 2019: Editor, LCEDN Briefing Paper Series
  • 2015 – 2017: Trustee, Engineers Without Borders UK
  • 2009: Renewable Energy Engineer, Integrated Development Services, Nepal
  • 2007: Consultant (sustainable energy policy), Energy Strategies, Australia
  • 2006: Conference and Workshop Facilitator, Initiatives of Change
  • 2005: Consultant (energy efficiency policy), Mark Ellis & Associates, Australia

Fellowships, Scholarships & Awards

  • 2018 – 2023: Engineering for Development Research Fellowship, Royal Academy of Engineering (£588,000)
  • 2022: Vice-Chancellor’s Annual Award for international engagement and impact, Loughborough University
  • 2022: Early Career Researcher Excellence Award, School of Social Sciences & Humanities, Loughborough University
  • 2017: Achievement Award for outstanding research performance, Loughborough University
  • 2010: Climate: Science + Humanities Symposium Travel Award, Harvard University & Group of Eight (AUD$3,000)
  • 2009:  Joan Waugh Scholarship, Tara School (AUD$5,000)
  • 2007-2011: Australian Postgraduate Award (full PhD scholarship), Australian Department of Education, Science and Training (AUD$68,000)
  • 2007-2011: Faculty of Engineering Research Scholarship, UNSW (AUD$28,000)


  • 2022: Principal Investigator, Rwanda Fuel Efficient Menus, World Food Programme (£48,000)
  • 2021: Principal Investigator, Sustainable housing as a contributor to community resilience, PhD studentship, BRE Trust/ Loughborough University (£78,000)
  • 2021: Co-Investigator, Community Energy Systems and Sustainable Energy Transitions in Ethiopia, Malawi and Mozambique (CESET), ESRC/GCRF (£90,000 to Loughborough University)
  • 2020: Co-Investigator, A Systems Approach to Energy Resilience in Nepal, Institute for Global Innovation, University of Birmingham (£20,000)
  • 2020: Co-Investigator, COVID-19 impacts and coping mechanisms for the energy sector in Malawi, Energy & Economic Growth Programme, FCDO (£4,700)
  • 2020: Co-Investigator, Modern Energy Cooking Services Programme, FCDO (lead for humanitarian and institutional workstreams with budget of £1.4 mil)
  • 2018: Principal Investigator, Research Collaborations on Community Energy Resilience in Low-Income Countries, UK Energy Research Centre and Energy & Economic Growth Programme (£60,000)
  • 2018: Co-Investigator, Long-term institutional change in the wake of crisis: understanding implications for energy system resilience, Institute for Global Innovation, University of Birmingham (£5,000)
  • 2016: Co-Investigator, Role of informal governance systems in crisis response and crisis recovery, UCL STEaPP (£5,000)
  • 2016: Co-Investigator, Visions of infrastructure, UCL STEaPP (£2,700)
  • 2015: Principal Investigator, Enhancing community resilience using renewable energy in Nepal, UCL STEaPP (£4,500)
  • 2008: Named Researcher, Overcoming barriers to renewable energy in rural Indonesia by community capacity building, AusAID (AUD$310,000)

Other Projects

  • 2017-2018: Research Associate, Partnerships for Skills Development to support DFID’s Transforming Energy Access initiative across South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa (£2 mil funded by DFID)
  • 2014-2017: Research Fellow, Agro-Industries and Clean Energy in Africa project which examined how sugar, tea and coffee estates can enable energy access in surrounding areas. The project covered Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Malawi and Mauritius (£1.3 mil funded by EPSRC/DFID/DECC)
  • 2002: Team Leader for photovoltaic systems in the development of a Reverse Osmosis Solar Installation (ROSI) in Australia, which provided safe water for remote communities. In 2003 ROSI was awarded a prize in the Water category of the Energy Globe Awards held in Linz, Austria.
  • 2002: Team Leader for research on appropriate solar module manufacturing techniques in Nicaragua.


For publications, click here


Current PhD Students

  • Chukwudi Ogunna: A tool for adapting renewable energy solutions to enhance resilience building, Loughborough University
  • George Foden: Sustainable Housing as a Contributor to Community Resilience, Loughborough University
  • Carla Cannone: Climate compatible growth, Loughborough University
  • Vincent Mwale: Harnessing the nexus between hydro mini-grids and community energy resilience: Case Study of Bondo Hydro Mini-Grid, Mzuzu University
  • Kondwani Gondwe: Empirical Modelling of the Nexus between Solar Photovoltaic Irrigation Systems and Community Resilience in Malawi, Mzuzu University

Undergraduate Research Supervision

  • 2018 & 2019: Summer research students, Loughborough University
  • 2016: Undergraduate thesis: Industrial Ecology in Malawi’s Agro-industry Sector, UCL
  • 2007: Undergraduate projects: fieldtrip to install a photovoltaic system in Nepal, UNSW

Modules Taught

  • Economics & Policy for Sustainable Development, Loughborough University (2022)
  • Geographies of Social Difference, Loughborough University (2020-2022)
  • Clean Energy & Development, UCL (2016, 2017)
  • Energy Challenge, How to Change the World, UCL (2015, 2016)
  • Sustainable Energy in Developing Countries, UNSW (2010, 2012)

Guest Lecturer 

  • Geographies of Global Economic Change, Loughborough University (2018)
  • Globalisation: Key Debates and Issues, Loughborough University (2018)
  • Resource Governance and the Global South, UCL (2017)
  • Renewable Energy Engineering Minor Program, UCL (2017)
  • Integrated Engineering Programme, UCL (2015)
  • Sustainable Development, University of Surrey (2014)
  • Sustainable Energy in Developing Countries, UNSW (2013)
  • Strategic Leadership and Ethics, UNSW (2010)
  • Women in Engineering & IT Day, University Technology Sydney (2010)
  • Sustainable Energy, UNSW (2010)


  • Renewable Energy Policy and International Programs, UNSW (2008, 2010, 2013)
  • Sustainable Energy in Developing Countries, UNSW (2008, 2013)
  • Grid-connected Photovoltaics, UNSW (2007)


  • 2022 – present: Research and Innovation Committee, School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Loughborough University
  • 2017: Management Committee, Humanitarian Institute, UCL
  • 2015 – 2016: Chair, Energy and Development Group, UCL
  • 2016: Departmental Equalities and Diversity Review Panel, UCL
  • 2016: Departmental Research and Ethics Committee, UCL
  • 2015: Departmental Green Impact Audit Team, University of Surrey
  • 2008: Coordinator, Sustainable Energy Discussion Group, UNSW
  • 2007 – 2008: Chair, Climate Group, Engineers Without Borders Australia
  • 2004: Founding Vice-President, UNSW Branch, Engineers Without Borders

Organising & Convening Conferences

  • 2021: Strengthening partnerships for energy security and resilience in the Pacific workshop
  • 2021: Countries driving regional energy transitions: towards a resilient Pacific workshop
  • 2021: Community Energy Resilience Roundtable Discussion Series, online
  • Dec 2020: Energy Resilience in Pacific Island Countries Workshop Series, online
  • Oct 2019: International Workshop on Community Energy Resilience, UK
  • May 2019: Energy Resilience session, UK LCEDN Annual Conference, UK
  • Apr 2019: Community Energy Resilience in Malawi, Malawi
  • Feb 2019: Community Energy Resilience and Energy Systems in South Asia Workshop, Nepal
  • Nov 2018: Community Energy Resilience and Energy Systems Workshop, UK
  • May 2018: UK LCEDN Annual Conference, UK
  • Dec 2017: International Workshop on Understanding Sustainable Energy Solutions (in collaboration with the African Centre for Technology Studies), Kenya
  • Sep 2017: Consultative Workshop on Delivering Energy Access: Closing the Research and Knowledge Gap (in collaboration with Practical Action), Kenya
  • Sep 2017: Workshop on ‘Where can UK energy research add value on the sustainable development goals?’, UK Energy Research Centre Annual Research Conference, UK
  • Sep 2017: UK LCEDN Annual Conference, UK
  • Aug 2017: Humanitarian Energy Geographies – The Space for Renewables in Energy Access for Refugees session, RGS-IBG Annual International Conference, UK
  • May 2012: Energy & Gender stream, World Renewable Energy Forum, USA
  • Aug 2004: Skills Workshops, International Youth Partnerships, Oxfam


Journals: Applied Energy; Energy Research & Social Science; Sustainable Production & Consumption; International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction; Technological Forecasting & Social Change

Research Grants: UK Natural Environment Research Council; European Commission


Languages: English (fluent), Cantonese (fluent), Mandarin (intermediate)

Professional Memberships: Engineers Without Borders UK, International Solar Energy Society